Friday, November 29, 2019


Quiet time of year for Masonic endeavors.  Well at least for a week or two.  The last post came while I was in our Nation's capital for work.  I am reminded how fortunate I am to live in this country and the opportunities that have been provided to me in my life.  Yes, politically, things seem to be a mess and the gap is getting wider, but we still have so many more freedoms and conveniences than many others in the world.  It reminds me that I want to tell all of our elected officials "we have a good thing, don't f* it up!".   I won't get all political on you, but you can blame whoever you want, republicans, democrats, independents, we ALL share part of the blame and the responsibility to figure out how to fix it.  There are many good people out there talking about civility and the art of compromise and working together, only to turn around and completely dismiss what someone with a differing opinion has to say, how is that helping?  Yes we need to be able to discuss things with civility, but also have to be willing to listen and compromise and relocate that middle ground.

Well onto the travel for the last week...
I returned home from Washington, DC on Friday and spent some time with my sister and family.  On Saturday we attended the remembrance service for MW Chuck McQuery.  It was a very well done service and was well attended.  MW Chuck was the epitome of "Live Respected, and Die Regretted".  He will be missed, but never forgotten.

Lake Washington District of Rainbow official visit of the Grand Worthy Advisor was next on Saturday evening.  It was a great time with a Dr. Suess theme and a couple of new announcements for the year, including the new Grand Confidential Observer!  Congratulations Destiny!

Sunday was Southside Revolution Derby Scrimmage day and taking photos there in the morning.  Then heading back to Monroe and meeting up with John and May to do some "Save the Date" photos.

Another photo shoot on Monday and Tuesday.  Monday was Frank and LaNita who hadn't done photos in many years and just wanted to get some done.  Tuesday was ballet audition photos for Hailey.  I love doing ballet photos, the strength and beauty amazes me.

Thursday was Thanksgiving hosted at Casa Martin and my sister and niece joined Robin, Logan, and I at our house for a great meal and nice to just relax and spend time with family!

Are you all in?

Steve Martin
Grand Lecturer 2019-2020

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