Saturday, June 27, 2020

Junior Grand Warden - June 2020

It has been awhile!  I am going to try and get back into the blogging again.  As Grand Lecturer I was expanding our ritual competition for Masons because I think good ritual work is a beauty to behold.  I also believe most, if not all, of the lessons we as Masons need to learn and adhere to, can be found in our Standard Work.  Unfortunately, with all the work and preparation that was completed by many of the Brethren in our State, COVID-19 hit and put an end to the competition.  There was a lot of interest and a lot of participation, and hopefully that will carry forward for the new Grand Lecturer.

Elections for the new Grand Lodge Officers was held on June 13, 2020 and I was elected as the new Junior Grand Warden.  With installation later that day, I was also installed in that position.  With all of the Social Distancing, and safety precautions that go along with COVID-19, it was a very small event, with no more than 5 people in a room at a time.  No big installation reception followed and the officers took some photos and went home.  I can't wait to get back out on the road and meet up with my Brothers!

On that note, the biggest topic of discussions as the newest member of the Executive Committee is when do we re-open and how?  We are still working out the details and doing our best to come up with what we think is the best possible course of action for the health and safety or our members.  We are going to continue to be closed for the near future, but hopefully are developing a solid plan to move forward as soon as safety and common sense will allow.  There is no shortage of opinions on how and when we should re-open, you get 10 Masons in a room and you get 22 opinions.  In the end, the decision will be what is determined to make the most sense and least risk with the data and opinions that are provided.

I look forward to seeing you on my travels

RW Steve C Martin
Junior Grand Warden

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